Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Just look at yourself, wallowing in self-pity. You're pathetic, you know that? Wasting away the time, day after day after day. Can you for once just get something done well? Look at your siblings already. Your sister is well on her way in being a secondary school teacher, your brother serving National Service and taking over the family business once he was done.

And just what have YOU accomplished? What plans have you made for yourself? Will you be doing anything remotely resembling some form of work in future besides sponging off of your parents?

Look at your qualifications. Just a measly PSLE certificate. Not even attaining a full O' Levels. What are you, stupid? Assuming you do pass your second year this time round (and that's a VERY big assumption), can you make it pass your third?

What now, girl troubles? Oh boo hoo, cry me a river, why don't you? Please, she already told you not to wait for her, can it be anymore direct? Stop being so damn stubborn and MOVE ON. You know why you can't? `Cause you're weak, you're soft, being oh-so-sentimental and refusing to let go of what you once had. How many more nights will you be soaking your pillows with those silly tears of yours? You should have stayed inside your shell all the while. I tried to warn you, multiple times in fact. I told you so when you talked to her for the first time. I told you so when you thought she was someone special, and different somewhat. I told you so when you started longing for her presence when she wasn't around. Those, and more. No surprise, you wouldn't listen to me. Thought i wrong, didn't you? Guess what? i WAS right. Now isn't that a nice, cold slap to your face? Scurry along back to your shell, i'll rememeber to post you a memo telling you to stay inside for good.

Basically, you're just nothing, aren't you? You have no purpose, no goal. Nothing to keep you going. No one to bother about you. Yes, i'm glad you've come to the realisation that your life, as you would call it, 'sucks'. If you don't like your life, if you hate yourself that much, just end it all already. Remember, all of this is your fault, and yours alone, so just stop blaming the world for whatever that has happened. Then again, death would just be an easy way out for you, won't it? If that is the case, you should carry on living and breathing. Not because you should, but because i want you to be reminded of your meaningless existence. You'll never be a filial son, a loyal friend, a loving partner, a hardworking employee, an accomplished drummer, nor a worthy human being.

You truly epitomise the phrase of 'being nothing'. And don't go around playing with my words. You're not fit to be perfect.
